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Comer en el cole, por paises

with 3 comments

  y Ailbhe Malone nos ofrece esta fantástica colección de comidas de colegio que reproducimos a continuación. La composición e ingredientes así como los créditos de las fotos están en inglés.

16 School Lunches From Around The World

1. Japan


Flickr: goldfish_bowl / Via Creative Commons

Fried fish, dried seaweed, tomatoes, miso soup with potatoes, rice in a metal container, served with milk.

2. Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas

Flickr: bookgrl / Via Creative Commons

Turkey taco salad, mashed potatoes, peach cobbler, and iced tea.

3. South Korea

South Korea

Pickled sesame leaves, kimchi, doenjang (a soybean paste) stew served with rice and a side of grapes.

4. Shanghai German School

Shanghai German School

Flickr: msittig / Via Creative Commons

Hot dog, french fries, carrot salad, slice of cake.

5. Israel

Israel / Via Martha Payne/Never Seconds

Falafel, pitta chips, yoghurt and cucumber sauce, with green leaves.

6. Finland


Salad, chicken curry and pudding, string beans and carrots, served with milk.

7. Czech Republic

Czech Republic / Via Martha Payne/Never Seconds

Semolina and vegetable soup, beef with garlic, spinach and potato dumplings, an orange.

8. Brazil

Brazil / Via Never Seconds/ Martha Payne

Meat in BBQ sauce, rice, green salad, pudding, and a strawberry juice.

9. Ukraine


Soup, bread, sliced hot dog, and pasta.

10. Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, Spain / Via Never Seconds/ Martha Payne

Tomato fusilli, deep fried fish, salad, bread, and an apple.

11. Singapore


Meat, rice, crunchy vegetables, and melon.

12. United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Peas, baked potato, cake, and custard. (This is a veggie option).

Update: A commenter adds that the third item might be cauliflower cheese.

13. Chennai, India

Chennai, India / Via Never Seconds/ Martha Payne

Lentil soup, snake gourd, rice, curd, and kesari, served with buttermilk.

14. Canadian International School, Bangalore

Canadian International School, Bangalore / Via Never Seconds/ Martha Payne

Fish nuggets, spring roll, salad, veggie noodles.

15. France


Fries and nuggets with broccoli, bread, pasta salad, and a slice of cake.

16. Sweden


Potatoes, cabbage, and beans, served with a cracker and lingonberry juice.

If you’re particularly interested in school lunches around the world, read the brilliant blog Never Seconds, which also works with the charity Mary’s Meals to “provide daily meals to chronically hungry children in a place of learning”.


Thanks to a commenter, the third item on the British lunch plate has been identified as possibly cauliflower cheese. Sept. 16, 2014, at 2:34 p.m.


An example from the UAE was removed as it was a lunch brought from home, not supplied by the school. Sept. 16, 2014, at 5:03 p.m.

Written by pedsocial

18 septiembre 2014 a 18:22

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  1. […] fotos de la entrada anterior ( resulta ilustrativa de las diferencias culturales, pero no dice mucho de lo sabrosa que pueda […]

  2. La comida de Ucrania es como para no entrar en el comedor… y hay algunas otras cosas que no me comería ni atada. El pescado frito japonés tiene una pinta de suela de zapato…


    22 septiembre 2014 at 8:50

    • Probablemente tienes razón, pero hay que tener en cuenta algunas preferencias locales. En Centroeuropa las salchichas son muy populares y los dietistas las consideran nutricionalmente adecuadas. Son los mismos que no se comerían una sepia recién pescada a la plancha, con su ajito picado y perejil, ni atados de pies y manos.
      Aunque concurriría en que las salchichas y los acuerdos políticos, mejor no saber como los han hecho…


      22 septiembre 2014 at 16:52

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